The three main symptoms that qualify for Vestibular Rehab and Balance Therapy are dizziness, vertigo, and imbalance. Dizziness is the second most common complaint heard in doctor’s offices. With proper evaluation, education, treatment, and prevention strategies, patients receiving vestibular and balance therapy experience significant improvements in their safety and quality of life. Over 800,000 patients a year are hospitalized because of a fall injury, and the average cost is more than $30,000 per injury (CDC, 2016).

Experiencing any of the following symptoms may qualify you for our Vestibular Rehab program:
– Spinning
– Fear of or history of falls
– Difficulty walking in the dark or on uneven surfaces
– Difficulty riding in the car or walking down grocery store aisles
– The feeling of continues motion after you stop moving
– Difficulty focusing or tracking objects
– The sensation of listing or being pulled in one direction while walking
– Blurry or double vision with head movements

Vestibular therapy patients receive one-on-one, 60 minute treatment sessions in an environment that is sensitive to individual sensory and stimulus needs.

For more information, please call our office at 401-294-6183 or send us an email at contact@formptrionline.com.