Functional Biomechanics

There are many different treatment styles in Physical Therapy, but no method is as all encompassing as Functional Biomechanics. This style addresses pain and dysfunction by assessing the body as a whole. Treating this way provides the practitioner with insight as to the underlying causes of injury and pain, therefore allowing the therapist to target treatments and address the origin of your problem.

Guerrino Boni MSPT, FAFS, CAFT is the leading physical therapist at Form & Function. Guerrino has studied with the leaders in functional research and treatment; the Gray Institue, and he has completed a nine-month fellowship in Functional Biomechanics for assessment and treatment. This method has been integrated into all the treatments at Form and Function along with other beneficial modalities and manual therapies. Integrating Functional Biomechanics has proven effective at yielding faster results and successful at reducing re-injury.

Please visit the Gray Institute to learn more about Functional Biomechanics.


– Re-establish full range of motion.
– Strengthen weakened planes.
– Increase stability and mobility.
– Reduce incidences of re-injury.


Scoliosis is an alignment disorder of the spine occurring mostly during growth spurts or puberty. It occurs when the spine develops lateral and rotational curves. These curvatures change the length of muscles in the back and core, as well as the size and available space of the lungs and some internal organs. Many of the causes of scoliosis are still unknown, but there are a number of physical therapy treatments which have proven effective. The treatments have been proven to relieve associated pain, regain movement and strength, and in some cases stop and or reduce the degree of the spinal curvature.

Functional biomechanics teaches a great deal about the complexities of spinal motions and the relationship between the vertebrae during different movement patterns. It also teaches many strategies to create movement reactions that facilitate positive changes. Creating more motion across locked vertebrae and reducing muscle imbalances promote better stabilization through the back and core which can assist in slowing or halting the progression of scoliosis. Patients frequently experience significant reductions in pain throughout the day and find greater available strength and motion for activities and recreation.

Physical Therapist Guerrino Boni has studied scoliosis under the functional method extensively and has treated many patients with the disorder over the last 15 years. For more information or to be treated for scoliosis please contact our office or see your doctor for a prescription.


In physical therapy and personal training, you may come across the phrase ‘sport specific rehabilitation or training’. This type of training can be widely varied and at times even quite gimmicky. At Form & Function Physical Therapy, we use our knowledge of functional biomechanics and apply it directly to sport movement. Athletes’ movements create a lot of power, precision, and speed. To create this kind of power and speed while still maintaining accuracy, the body needs to operate at peak performance.

If an athlete has any limitations in motion or weak muscle groups, they will ‘cheat’ with their stronger, more mobile muscles to compensate. These compensations left unchecked will likely lead to areas of overuse. It can also potentially cause pain or further weakness in surrounding areas of the body. These compensations also result in reduced efficiency and power despite the greater amount of effort from the athlete. Because athletes are able to perform at such high levels using compensations, it becomes harder to find where that compensation is coming from. Being an athlete his whole life, Guerrino Boni has a great appreciation for this first hand. He has also spent years working with a variety of sports teams and assessing the major movement patterns they utilize. Through this, he has generated a firm understanding for the breed of power required.

Using functional biomechanics has allowed for deeper diagnostics of sport specific movement. It also has been a great tool in discovering and correcting compensations. This fundamental methodology is giving athletes both greater mobility and power to perform specialized motions with less effort. This method yields greater results faster than traditional physical therapy and training and has been seen to have better lasting results. For more information about how we utilize functional biomechanics to address individual sport specific movement please contact us.


In-depth description coming soon.


In-depth description coming soon.


In-depth description coming soon.


In-depth description coming soon.