Why PT??

August 27, 2021

One of the most common questions we receive from people is “How is Physical Therapy going to help me?  Isn’t it just a bunch of stretching?”  And that is frequently followed up by “I already stretch every day!”

The truth is, there is A LOT that Physical Therapy can do for you that you may not have considered.  Physical Therapy can be used to treat a wide range of ailments.  Muscular injuries, post-operative care, balance and coordination are just a few.  Let’s summarize some of the different types of treatments we may choose to implement to remedy a given problem.

MODALITIES:  These are the tools used to promote tissue healing and pain relief. 

Ultrasound is probably the most common.  It uses sound waves to heat deep tissue, increase blood flow, and reduce scar tissue and soft tissue knots. 

Cold Laser treatment is similar to ultrasound in overall benefits, but it uses light instead of sound and does not use heat.  This allows for the ability to keep the treatment focused on a smaller, more pin-pointed area than does ultrasound.  It is ideal for bone and joint problems as it will not overheat the structures close to the surface. 

Another useful modality is cupping.  In the clinic, we use cupping in two different ways; dynamic and static.  This type of treatment has been around for centuries and has withstood the test of time.  It excels at distracting fascia layers under the skin over muscle to break up adhesions and draws blood into spastic, knotted muscles.  Dynamic cupping is preferred when you are trying to treat larger areas or want to distract the facia along a long muscle.  Static cupping is best used for specific trigger point release spots and smaller areas of muscle.

Another technique that dates back to ancient times that has recently resurfaced for its benefits is dry needling.  This treatment is similar to acupuncture, but differs in that the needles are placed directly into muscle and joint spaces of muscles.  This triggers the body’s natural healing processes that, left untreated, often slow or cease and then lead to injuries that become chronic.

Finally, stretching… You had to know we were still going to talk about stretching.  It is truly the best treatment you can do on your own to keep your body moving and grooving as it should.  But sometimes it is not as easy as just stretching everything as much and as often as you can.  Applying the correct stretches to the muscles that need it most is a science in and of its own.  Patients are often surprised by the muscles that are tight that they “didn’t even know was there!”  There are also different types of stretches that are applied based on the type and duration of an injury.  Sometimes a traditional stretch can do more harm than good, and we are here to help you figure it all out.

As your therapists, we will often prescribe specific corrective exercise as well.  These are implemented to correct muscle imbalances and postural changes which affect a person’s function and pain.

Lastly is the manual work physical therapists implement on patients.  Getting hands on manual therapy is one of the most useful diagnostic and treatment tools.  Through manual treatment therapists can work through joint restrictions, muscle spasms, and scar tissue.  This allows a therapist to get to the root of the issue. 

In summation, although stretching is certainly an integral part of healing when utilized properly, physical therapy is more than just that, and there are many ways we can help with whatever physical hurdles  may come your way.  Whether you wish to improve general function, decrease pain levels, recover from an injury or surgery, or whatever else, we are here and happy to help whenever you are ready.